Friday, May 17, 2019

Journal on Unconditional Positive Regard Essay

In tonights session we have been education further about Carl Rogers and his conditions of a successful person- centred therapy. We have been exploring Unconditional unequivocal Regard, a term used by Rogers to describe a basic acceptance and support of a person regardless what they say or do. Unconditional Positive Regard is an bearing of the counsellor towards his client. Rogers believes that this attitude is essential to a healthy development and cause a positive therapeutic movement in a therapy. I find this condition the very definition of humanity. Our species have a r atomic number 18 force to understand each other, however many of us hardly use it. It requires putting the others first, demands to put our feelings and emotions aside. We are protecting ourselves, afraid, that by giving that support to others, we would be losing ourselves. I do not agree with that, I think that more you will give- the more you will get in return, it is a countenance to be let inside another persons world, his/ her feelings and thoughts. People, lacking that acceptance in their occasional life, creating a protective layer around them, losing faith in themselves, feeling that they do not merit to be loved by others.By using Unconditional Positive Regard, the therapist provides an ideal purlieu for his clients personal change. Therapist giving his support as well as gives acceptance and love- that is exactly what makes person- centred therapy so meaningful and unique. Therapists willingness for the client to be whatever he is feeling at that trice (no matter if it is positive or shun fear, pain, pride, love, hatred) makes his client to loose all defences and become honest with himself. I have to learn how to look underneath those layers and accept the real person behind them. However, as volume tend to mask their true self because of the fear, that they going to be rejected- the counsellors job is not easy. It is very often a long process. To gain his clients tru st the therapist should trade for his client in a non- conditional way. He has to be consistent in valuing his client and also be able to translate it into a client- counsellor relationship. In many cases, clients show signs of irresolution and sometimes even aggression towards their therapist. The reason for that is conditional love around of us have experienced in a lifetime. This is called conditions of worth, since we were little children we have been told or shown that to deserve acceptance and love we have to behave in a certain way ( e.g. Be good, patient, obedient, confident, etc.)We areconvinced that we have to be worthy of love. For most of us adults other pecks perception is very important and in many cases arsehole even define a person. Being so used to promiseing myself through other peoples eyes, being judged for what I do or have done, Unconditional Positive Regard appears to me as almost impossible to believe. I do think that it is possibly also clients attitud e. That disbelief that the therapist can put aside whatever I have done and see me as a worthy person for who I am, even If I do not believe in me probably take a while to disappear and change into trust. Rogers said that every one of us has within himself desire to change in a positive direction. I assume that he meant and believed that honor is our natural aspiration.I fully agree with him no matter how unrealistic and ideal it might seem. If we, learning how to be a counsellor, will understand how to be able to accept another person, regardless of their past, negative attitude or defensiveness we will then understand the true meaning of Rogerss philosophy and why it is so important in the therapeutic process. Unconditional Positive Regard in my opinion is a loving attitude towards another person and also more than that. The therapist believes in his clients potential, see in him someone, who has an optimistic future, a little bit more confidence. Person- centred counsellor can s ee strengths in his client and it is his attitude that counts. Unconditional Positive Regard is a condition in client- centred therapy to defecate a meaningful relationship where the client can find a way, power within, to believe that he is worth of love and only then everything else has a chance to fall into place.

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